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.flatpickr-next-month svg path {
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transition: fill 0.1s;
fill: inherit;
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opacity: 1;
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color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
background: transparent;
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Glitters Studio - Our Story - Glitters Studio Pvt. Ltd.
Glitters Studio – Our Story
🌟 Establishing the Glittering Dream – 2008: In the vibrant tapestry of Nepal’s media landscape, Glitters Studio took its first step towards success in the year 2008. Founded by visionaries Mr. Suraj Thapaliya and Mr. Suman Thapaliya, our studio embarked on a journey fueled by experience and a shared passion for the art of storytelling.
💡 A Decade of Excellence – 10 Years and Counting: Fast forward to the present day, and Glitters Studio has evolved into a powerhouse of creativity, standing tall with over 13 years of unwavering commitment to excellence. With a team of more than 35 skilled and dedicated crew members, we have become a leading studio and production company, setting milestones in the creation of Radio Jingles, Radio Spots, and Television Commercials.
🎤 Harmonizing Creativity in Nepal: Our recording studio, adorned with the latest audio technology, music arranging equipment, instruments, and audio and graphic processors, serves as the heart of our creative endeavors. We take pride in continuously collaborating with top Advertising Agencies in Nepal, collectively shaping the landscape of media, jingles, and TVC production.
Services That Sparkle:
TV Commercials: TVCs and commercial productions remain the most effective way for businesses to broaden their brand reach and captivate their target audience. At Glitters Studio, we turn concepts into captivating visual stories.
Radio Jingles: Our expertise in creating mind-boggling jingles echoes across the airwaves. No matter where you are in Nepal, if you’ve tuned in to the radio or switched on the TV, chances are you’ve heard our signature creations.
Production: Post-production is an art, and at Glitters Studio, it’s a meticulous process that elevates filmmaking, video production, and photography. We bring all the elements together, crafting seamless narratives.
Voice Overs: The power of a voice can enhance storytelling. Our voiceover services bring a distinct touch to radio, television productions, filmmaking, theatre, and other presentations.
Milestones that Illuminate Our Path:
2008: Established Glitters Studio and Production Pvt. Ltd.
2009: Jingles/Music Production Services Commence
2010: First TVC Produced, Paving the Way for a New Era
A Significant Milestone: Ncell’s “Today. Tomorrow. Together.” Rebranding Project
Another Triumph: Honda’s 50 Years in Nepal Celebration
Each milestone signifies a chapter in our journey, and with projects like Ncell’s rebranding and Honda’s 50 Years celebration, Glitters Studio continues to shine as a beacon of creativity. As we reflect on the past decade, we eagerly anticipate the stories yet to unfold, the jingles yet to resonate, and the commercials yet to dazzle.
Join us on this glittering adventure where every frame tells a tale, and every note resonates with the spirit of creativity. Here’s to a decade of dreams, and to many more sparkling years ahead! ✨