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.flatpickr-next-month svg path {
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transition: fill 0.1s;
fill: inherit;
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opacity: 1;
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color: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
background: transparent;
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About us - Glitters Studio Pvt. Ltd.
a brief introduction
About us
Glitters Studio and Production Pvt. Ltd.
The year 2008 marked was the year when two young music lovers estalished thier brand “Glitters Studio and Production Pvt. Ltd.”
Mostly Radio / Audio Works
Jingles / Music Production
Ncell Axiata Launch
The rebranding of Ncell marks the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the company. Ncell and Axiata, Today Tomorrow Together
Ncell ``Today Tomorrow Together``
Another Biggest Milestone
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सम्बन्ध 50 वर्षको
Honda 50 years in Nepal
Honda is the world’s largest manufacturer of two-wheelers. The ‘Wings’, recognised worldwide as the symbol of Honda two-wheelers, arrived in Nepal in 1968. The slogan in Nepali reads Relationship of 50 years.
We have now more than 35 skilled crew members including Director, Editor, Cinematographer for the production of Television Commercials. We are continuously working with top Advertising Agencies in Nepal, working jointly in the field of media, jingles and TVC production.
Mr. Suraj Thapaliya is currently very well known for giving Voice Over for various Radio jingles and Television Commercial.
Mr. Suman Thapaliya is currently very well known for composing and programming music as well as singing for various Radio Jingles and Television Commercials
Prabin has been working as a Director, Editor, Animator & Colorist at Glitters Studio & Production Pvt. Ltd.
Prabin Manandhar
Director/ Post Production
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